When Neo Nazis and Jews Agree

<p>When these two polar opposites agree that something is a threat, perhaps you should listen. Both of these groups are sounding the alarm about Islamist political footholds being established in Western nations.</p> <p>I am what was once called a liberal. Now I am politically homeless of course, but I listen to everyone and decide what sits right. But then Israel was attacked and, like most people, I didn&rsquo;t see the threat until it was affecting me. I have found myself, a Jew, agreeing with people like Douglas Murray, Piers Morgan, Varg Vikernes, Elise Stefanik. I feel like I&rsquo;m going crazy. Suddenly, those right wingers didn&rsquo;t sound quite so crazy anymore.</p> <p><a href="https://sylvia-observer.medium.com/when-neo-nazis-and-jews-agree-06f64dd01419"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: neo Nazis