Exploring the Cosmos: An analysis of Lunar Orbital Dynamics & Orion Nebula Elemental Composition

<p>This physics project is based upon the subject of SPACE. For this project, I used a combination of simple &amp; complex measurement techniques and utilized basic physics equations, most of which we learned in the AP Physics C &mdash; Mechanics class, in order to explore various relationships between the collected data and the results. These results included finding the orbital velocity of the Moon and finding the wavelengths of light emitted by the Orion Nebula. These results will allow us to dive into the topic of space even more and calculate other things such the Moon&rsquo;s orbital period and the elemental composition of the Orion Nebula. To do this, I had to research new information and equations &amp; I combined these with my prior physics knowledge to derive the results.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@astromayukh/exploring-the-cosmos-an-analysis-of-lunar-orbital-dynamics-orion-nebula-elemental-composition-a59f3ef35cc9"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>