NBA Graphing: DONT jump down this Rabbit Hole

<p>there are majorly three ways to source data that I&rsquo;ve found. One would be to find and manually download data from websites. and since the data I need is in the magnitudes of thousands there is no way that&rsquo;s viable. secondly, I could download datasets of information. it would be concise, easy to work with, and very scalable but since I want data that updates on its own the only option I was left with was APIs.</p> <p>statmuse doesn&#39;t have an API afaik and neither does basketball reference. Bballref does allow you to down Excel sheets of data but again there is no way I&#39;m doing that. does have an API, but it isn&#39;t easy to access and I couldn&#39;t find it so I decided to look for third-party wrappers on the API.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: NBA Graphing