Researchers Identify 168 New Nazca Lines in Peru

<p>If you&rsquo;ve read much of my writing, you&rsquo;ve probably noticed that ancient human history is a favorite topic of mine. I just love learning about how people lived thousands and hundreds of thousands of years ago. We can&rsquo;t know everything about them. We may not even ever know much about them all because only remnants of them remain &mdash; long since buried beneath our feet.</p> <p>I want to know their perspectives, beliefs, and wisdom and understand their thinking behind creating the things we&rsquo;ve found. Like today&rsquo;s topic, the infamous geoglyphs known as the Nazca Lines in Peru. Scientists have known about them for a while, but archeologists recently discovered over a hundred more!</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Nazcas Lines