Navigating the Quandary: Woke Ideals, Free Speech, and the Imperative of Consistency in the Fight Against White Supremacy

<p>In the realm of political discourse, the clash between traditional liberal values and the emergent &ldquo;woke&rdquo; or &ldquo;identitarian&rdquo; or &ldquo;progressive&rdquo; left has given rise to a perplexing dilemma. Old-school liberals continue to champion free-speech values, while the new left finds itself at a crossroads, facing the challenge of maintaining consistency in the application of their speech restrictions.</p> <p>For years, the &ldquo;progressive&rdquo; left has fervently advocated for sweeping speech restrictions and the establishment of taboos in the name of social justice. However, the current conundrum lies in their hesitation to apply the same standards universally. The paradox is particularly evident when it comes to issues involving Palestinian-aligned activists and the sensitive topic of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>