Navigating the Art of Tipping

<p>Inthe not-so-distant past, tipping was a relatively straightforward practice. However, as technology has advanced and social norms have evolved, tipping has become a more complex and nuanced aspect of our daily lives.</p> <p>From restaurant servers to hotel staff, baristas to spa workers, knowing who to tip and how much has become a topic of confusion and debate.</p> <blockquote> <p>&ldquo;There&rsquo;s huge confusion on this issue. There&rsquo;s massive resentment,&rdquo; says Thomas Farley, an etiquette expert also known as &ldquo;Mister Manners,&rdquo; per&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">CNBC</a>.</p> </blockquote> <p>In this piece, I will delve into the guidelines for tipping in various service industries, empowering you to navigate the world of gratuities with confidence and courtesy.</p> <h2>The Evolution of Tipping</h2> <p>Once upon a time, tipping was a simple gesture of appreciation for good service.</p> <p>You might add&nbsp;<strong>10%</strong>&nbsp;to&nbsp;<strong>15%</strong>&nbsp;to your restaurant bill for the server, or slip a couple of dollars to the valet who parked your car. However, with the advent of modern technology and digital payment systems, tipping has been integrated into various transactions, even extending to retail locations.</p> <p>The tipping screen has become ubiquitous, leaving customers feeling compelled to tip for services that were not traditionally considered tip-worthy.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>