Roots Run Deep with PTSC and Guandu Nature Park

<p>When most people think about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or volunteer projects associated with environmental conservation, their minds might naturally turn towards picking up garbage for a beach clean-up. Indeed, living in Taiwan there are plenty of opportunities for beach clean-up, and the island even hosts an all-island beach clean-up day each year, which coincides with international beach clean-up on May 23rd. This year the event is postponed due to coronavirus; however, prior to the recent pandemic onslaught in Taiwan, the island&rsquo;s spirit of hands-on volunteerism was alive and well.</p> <p>As CSR has become more of an essential part of operating in the business world, PTSC took the opportunity to collaborate with Guandu Nature Park to launch a volunteer day this past April. Rather than cleaning-up trash or cutting weeds, the IT professionals who were more accustomed to tapping away on their computers found themselves getting down and dirty planting lotus roots for the coming Fall harvest.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Nature Park