How do you understand whether you are gifted in art and what is “naturally gifted” really means.

<p>I don&rsquo;t think &ldquo;naturally gifted&rdquo; exists at all. It is more like city legend.<br /> Because every professional artist have studied at least 10 years before earned good entry level. So you can look at their work and tell, &mdash; OK those guys are probably gifted.<br /> But that is not because they are &ldquo;naturally&rdquo; or &ldquo;unnaturally&rdquo; gifted. But rather because of hard work, suffering, pain, stuck, getting up and moving against the wind every day at any weather.<br /> They are simply persistent enough, have a dream and eager to achieve it.<br /> If you are going to school, and able to work 8 hours straight on one drawing. And if the result is not so good as Rafael, but it is still nice and accurate &mdash; you are surely gifted person and have all chances to become professional artist.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>