What I’ve Learned in 2023

<p>Goodness, another trip around the sun and another flip of the calendar to a new year!</p> <p>I wanted to reflect upon what I learned this year, and also think of how my knowledge will affect my choices and behaviors in the new year&hellip;</p> <p>1. You are never too old to learn something new. I started learning Haitian Creole in 2022, and have deepened my knowledge and my connections to Haiti and Haitian people. This has changed my views about the world, about empires, about politics, about economies, about justice, and about the lived, human experience in the world that is not merely the national or cultural extension of America. The knowledge doesn&rsquo;t change my belief in what America and Americans can do for the world but it has changed how I see those efforts and changed how I&rsquo;d like to see us Americans act to the world around us.</p> <p><a href="https://stephenmatlock.medium.com/what-ive-learned-in-2023-fd285b6531b7"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>