Nambour Street Art Map

<p>On the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Nambour is not a spot that many people would plan to go over their beach-binging holidays. It&rsquo;s not near the water, and it&rsquo;s not exactly hyped up by Sunshine Coast locals, but Nambour street art is one thing worth raving about, and it&rsquo;s a very good reason to give this little town a visit.</p> <p>Located in-land about 20 minutes from&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Maroochydore</a>, Nambour is close enough to warrant a little drive away from the beach. Also, as we mentioned, there is street art&hellip; So in our minds, that warrants an entire road trip!</p> <h1>Quick History of Street Art in Nambour</h1> <p>As with many locations across Australia, Nambour has begun to embrace street art as a way to beautify the town; creating artworks with local and nationally renowned artists to elevate the area, attract tourists and give locals more love for their neighbourhood.</p> <p>The Nambour Street Art Festival started in 2018 and was part of a five-year plan to bring street art to Nambour. In 2019, the festival ran again with great success, and we all know what 2020 has been like&hellip; It&rsquo;s fair to assume this year&rsquo;s festival is on pause (as with all the other fun plans we had this year).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Nambour Street