Why I Paint My Nails

<p>Throughout my life, I have perceived and defined masculinity differently in several phases. The first phase is the most obvious, characterized by the masculinity blatantly presented to me through simply observing society&rsquo;s operations. We recognize this image: a patriarchal, male-dominated world where men have traditionally run the show and called the shots.</p> <p>I observed this and absorbed its habits by watching how my family functioned, through pop culture, TV shows, and the behavior of people in power, predominantly white males. I saw that behavior and internalized it, believing that this was the key to living a &lsquo;good life&rsquo; &mdash; to being liked, renowned, and desired.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@mannaldasula/why-i-paint-my-nails-c31298c9fd19"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Nails Paint