My Feet Have a Really Good Personality

<p>My feet are wide when they&rsquo;re supposed to be narrow. My nail beds are short when they&rsquo;re supposed to be long. My soles need constant tending in order to not appear reptilian. And I think there&rsquo;s a baby bunion growing on Lady Left.</p> <p>Most notably, my second toe is longer than her stubby neighbor. And that is the only thing I can spin positive about my toes. If I were my toes&rsquo; publicist, I would lead with this part right here. Really lean into this narrative and spin the fuck out of it&hellip;</p> <p>I have what they call Greek Feet. That&rsquo;s when the second toe is much longer than the first. Most classically beautiful toes do the correctly normal thing and gradually decline in height as they decline in overall size.</p> <p>But my second toe said,&nbsp;<em>you can&rsquo;t tell me what to do</em>. And she sprouted in height, leaving all the others to wither away like all the love-struck Little Merpeople in Ursula&rsquo;s seaweed garden. My second toe is the only part of my body that could be labeled&nbsp;<em>tall.&nbsp;</em>And<em>&nbsp;</em>I could be proud of that as a very vertically challenged human, except that<em>&nbsp;</em>nobody gets&hellip;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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