Let’s Talk About the Way We Talk About Guns

<p>From the inception of Good Mythical Morning, we&rsquo;ve intended for the show to be decidedly apolitical. This wasn&rsquo;t to be a platform to discuss the issues that divide our country. Instead, it was a place for some good, clean fun. While people watched us struggle to stomach animal testicles (not exactly good or clean but apparently fun), they were being given a break from the weighty stuff. This was about coming together to watch one middle-aged man make a peanut butter hairdo for his middle-aged best friend. That&rsquo;s the kind of thing everyone can get behind, regardless of political leanings.</p> <p>None of that has changed. We have no intentions of our show becoming political. We will never go from lighting bowling balls and birthday cakes on fire to burning current or past presidents in effigy. That being said, a select few times we have decided to raise the voice of our show to address an issue that &mdash; while controversial &mdash; we feel transcends politics. This week, we did just that.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@rhettmc/lets-talk-about-the-way-we-talk-about-guns-994e1108cbff"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>