Myth on Ip Addresses

<p>Everyone knows about Ip address is just a having 4 oct. and 4 Bytes between(0&ndash;255) like ,It&rsquo;s only looks like Real/Valid Ip Address<br /> but if i tells you 192.168.12345 , 1 ,123456 is also a Valid Ip Address(IPv4)</p> <p><strong>Lets Prove</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="*-2IZcsDQ0oWR-0gmMFtAKg.png" style="width:700px" /></p> <p><strong>Just Checking current Ip Address on Network Card enp03</strong></p> <p><img alt="" src="*FESdDvA7mExzxlub_0GC3A.png" style="width:700px" /></p> <p><strong>Now we change the Ip Address of our Network Card to 192.168.12345</strong></p> <p>They convert your given Ip address into binary form and then convert in into&nbsp;<strong>4 Bytes</strong>&nbsp;if you really want to check than here&rsquo;s the simple formula for conversion :<br /> Example : If your Ip address is etc the just put into a simple a simple formula&nbsp;<strong>{ 172*2&sup2;⁴ + 217* 2 ^16 + 68*2⁸ + 06*2⁰ }</strong>&nbsp;Then you find your Answer and All your Doubts going to Clear &hellip;&hellip;<strong>(4 Bytes == 32 bit )</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ip Addresses