A Promise to Myself.

<p>An ocean of blue and a world of green. Spread across the Earth&rsquo;s precious skin were black rugged rocks seasoned like an adornment of jewels. The land ended at the cliff and a garnish of coconut trees spread across small crevices and cracks. There was only water as far as my eyes could see and the cloudy skies intertwined with it to create a beautiful smudge of blue and grey.</p> <p>The roar of the ocean was mighty as the water crashed into the rocks creating a white foamy feedback. The slight drizzle falling from the sky quenched the thirst of Mother Nature as she seemed to dance to the whims of the wind. At eye level was a spread of eagles scouting, watching the water for their next meal. The wind neither took them ahead nor behind. They were perfectly stationary creating a moment of pure stillness.</p> <p>At that moment, I suddenly felt small.&nbsp;<strong>I was a speck of dust that didn&rsquo;t matter in the grand scheme of things</strong>. Our world was 4.5 million years old, hurtling through the vast and incomprehensible universe. Our Earth has seen continents shift, species come and go and civilization rise and fall. The water in the ocean has been flowing for centuries and will keep flowing for several other centuries, but me?</p> <p><strong>I shall come and go.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@harshppatel7/a-promise-to-myself-483aefbc45c3"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Promise Myself