Mycorrhizal fungi: all you need to know about the Internet of Plants

<p>If you are a gardener, news might have reached your ear about a supposedly beneficial category of fungi called&nbsp;<em>mycorrhizal</em>. If you are an ecologist, chances are you consider&nbsp;<em>mycorrhizae</em>&nbsp;one of the most successful partnerships of all time. If you are a plant scientist, you know a great deal about them, but perhaps you are perplexed about the sensational claims that home gardeners, some regenerative farmers and most suppliers have been making in the last ten years. Although there is a wide consensus about the extreme importance of healthy mycorrhizal populations in thriving ecosystems and productive soils, their effects as plant growth stimulants constitute a controversial issue, to say the least.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>