Hello, Customer From Hell. Welcome to My Wine Bar

<h1>The one who slept with his wife&rsquo;s sister</h1> <p>Hello nice old couple, welcome to my bar. Please, sit, and enjoy. I&rsquo;m sure you won&rsquo;t be any trouble, you both look as quiet as mice.</p> <blockquote> <p>I know you&rsquo;ve been fu*king my sister. What do you take me for you filthy piece of sh*t?</p> </blockquote> <p>Fuuuuuuuuuck. OK, just pretend like you didn&rsquo;t just hear that.</p> <blockquote> <p>No I won&rsquo;t lower my voice! You slept with her and you thought I&rsquo;d never find out.</p> </blockquote> <p>Alright, I&rsquo;ve got two options. I busy myself on the floor or I go in the back and leave them to it.</p> <p>No chance I&rsquo;m missing this show, I&rsquo;m staying out here. Hell, I might break out the popcorn.</p> <p>Man, this argument has been going on for a long time. It&rsquo;s all getting a little bit awks. Still, at least they&rsquo;re the only customers in here.</p> <p>Oh look, a family with young kids is coming through the door. Greeeeaaaat.</p> <p>Lady please, do you really need to shout&nbsp;<em>c*unt!&nbsp;</em>at your husband just as the five-year-old sits down?</p> <p>Infidelity rows are fun!</p> <h1>The one who threatened a bad Yelp review *eye-roll*</h1> <p>Hello, welcome. Let&rsquo;s sit you down and&hellip;oh you already have a question. You want a discount? No, I can&rsquo;t give you a discount for no reason.</p> <p>Sorry, but&nbsp;<em>I&rsquo;ll give you a bad Yelp review if you don&rsquo;t give me one&nbsp;</em>is not a fair reason for me to reduce the cost of your bottle of wine.</p> <p>You can sit there as long as you like refusing to buy anything but that&rsquo;s going to be a very boring, very long night for you. Your friends are tucked into their first bottle of Prosecco, are you sure you don&rsquo;t want to join them?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/rooted-publication/hello-customer-from-hell-welcome-to-my-wine-bar-a4fb19525d0e"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Customer Hell