My Terrified Ass and Me —

<p>Hellooooo there. My name is Mary. I&rsquo;ve just now decided to write a blog post, for no reason other to grease the wheel of prose. (I hated how that sounded. I&rsquo;m not gonna delete it. The greasy prose wheel stays.) I suppose I also thought it might be fun to have a prose like account of my time in Spain. Anyway, please continue reading if you&rsquo;d like. Maybe you&rsquo;ll find something I write to be funny or helpful or stupid. In any case, I&rsquo;ll keep writing whether you&rsquo;re here or not, but I do quite like the company.</p> <p>To begin&mdash; few things about me. I am a 23 years old woman, and truth be told, I have no idea what I&rsquo;m doing. Let&rsquo;s get that straight right off the bat. (I love that expression, it&rsquo;s fun to imagine the truth bouncing off a baseball bat with no bullshit in between). But honest to god, I&rsquo;m really just bouncin&rsquo; around with no super clear idea of what&rsquo;s next, or how or when I&rsquo;m going to arrive at whatever &ldquo;next&rdquo; is. But I am also having a good deal of fun, and I have found a good deal (an abundant deal) of love in those who surround me, which makes the horrors of uncertainty&nbsp;<em>much</em>&nbsp;easier to endure.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Terrified