Back to Amsterdam

<p>I made the mistake of telling my students I was going to Amsterdam for the weekend. &ldquo;Ooooohhhhh&rdquo;, they all shouted. They know &mdash; or think they know &mdash; what goes on there. &ldquo;Come on, guys, there&rsquo;s other stuff in&nbsp;Amsterdam!&rdquo; I told them. And this during a lesson that started with a listening task about Vincent van Gogh. I pointed to his picture in the textbook. &ldquo;As a matter of fact, I&rsquo;m going to visit the van Gogh museum,&rdquo; I said, not even sure if there&nbsp;<em>is</em>&nbsp;a van Gogh museum. &ldquo;And what are you gonna do before that?&rdquo; someone called out from the back, which set everyone off again. One student asked if I could bring him back some &ldquo;cakes&rdquo;. Another asked if I was planning on visiting the red light district. A solid no to both questions; I didn&rsquo;t want to give them any ideas even though the reality lies somewhere between what the students think and what I tell them. They don&rsquo;t know much about me but they know I&rsquo;m not going to the Netherlands to look at windmills.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Amsterdam