“My Son and Daughter-In-Law Won’t Clean Up Their Room or Do Chores; I Haven’t Asked for Rent,” Father-In-Law On Couple

<p>Living with your in-laws and managing to have a close relationship will get difficult if you can&rsquo;t agree on what you need to help with or how to handle daily chores.</p> <p>And when you just got married and don&rsquo;t want to be bothered with housework, but someone else still has to do it for you, arguments will start easily. How would you react if your child and their spouse didn&rsquo;t do anything to help you and they also didn&rsquo;t contribute at all to expenses and other monthly bills? Could you go on supporting them that way, or would you end up telling them they need to find another place to live?</p> <p>My friend Nick, who lives in Phoenix, Arizona, has been married to Nancy, his wife, for almost four months. They were engaged for two years and a half before tying the knot and are now living with Nick&rsquo;s dad, Andrew, since they couldn&rsquo;t afford to buy a home and would rather avoid paying any rent.</p> <blockquote> <p>&ldquo;It was so much better to go live with his dad since we didn&rsquo;t have to worry about rent and bills. It&rsquo;ll be a while until we can afford to buy our own place in Phoenix, but if we can save while staying with him, it will go faster, I&rsquo;m sure,&rdquo; Nancy said.</p> </blockquote> <p>Andrew&rsquo;s wife passed away nine years ago, and he&rsquo;s been living on his own since then. Nick&rsquo;s sisters are older, and they&rsquo;re all married and have their homes and kids, so Andrew was happy to help the couple after the wedding. He offered them the largest bedroom in the house and also a small room that could be used as an office if Nancy needed it.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/news-out-loud/my-son-and-daughter-in-law-wont-clean-up-their-room-or-do-chores-i-haven-t-asked-for-rent-7e6cc8b10fe1"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Chores Rent