How Changing My Priorities Changed My Week

<p>Around a week ago, my friend told me that my local city was planning on hosting a Quran revision day for sisters. It&rsquo;s a day specifically for huffadh or people who are currently memorising to come in and recite as much Quran as we can to one of the teachers present. Some recite the full Quran, some recite 20, 15 or how many ever ajza they would like.</p> <p>I heard about this event for the first time last year, and ever since, I&rsquo;ve been waiting for this years date to be released. But then my friend told me that the date was set for less than three months away. Three months?! I thought in shock. That&rsquo;s too little time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Priorities