My Journey to Becoming Knight at LeetCode in 8 Months during my 3rd Semester

<p>Hi, my name is&nbsp;Amit Maity, and I am currently pursuing a degree in Computer Science and Engineering, now in my 4th semester. As a passionate learner, I&rsquo;ve always been eager to challenge myself and push my limits. During my 3rd semester, I had the opportunity to achieve the coveted &ldquo;Knight&rdquo; badge, placing me in the top 5% globally.&nbsp;</p> <p>In this blog post, I am excited to share my 11-month journey at LeetCode, where I participated in over 45 contests, sharpened my coding skills, and learned valuable lessons along the way. Whether you&rsquo;re a beginner just starting or an experienced coder looking to take your skills to the next level, I hope my experiences will inspire and motivate you to achieve your goals. So buckle up and join me on this exciting adventure in the world of coding! Also, there will be a few suggestions for all of you&nbsp;</p> <p>Over the past 11 months, I have been diligently practicing questions on LeetCode and participating in contests for the past 7&ndash;8 months on a regular basis. During this time, I have solved X number of questions (It doesn&rsquo;t matter) and have achieved a&nbsp;<strong>maximum rating of 1940+</strong>, which puts me in the&nbsp;<strong>top 3% globally</strong>. And for placing 5% globally, I got&nbsp;<strong>Knight</strong>&nbsp;badge at LeetCode.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>