My Fear Of Heights Cost Me My Job

<p>You read that right. My fear of heights cost me my job. It&rsquo;s a weird thing to say, and an even weirder thing to go through. Maybe I&rsquo;m just blaming it on my fear of heights, and really it&rsquo;s a lack of&nbsp;courage. After all, we can get over our fears,&nbsp;right? Well not me. At least not today.</p> <p>It all started when I got a call from a man named Willie. His voice was bright, and he exuded joy from the other end of the line. He called to inform me they were conducting interviews with the operations manager&nbsp;for&nbsp;a tire&nbsp;delivery&nbsp;driver, and I was cordially invited. Sweet, I thought. Finally, an interview after months of applications. Little did I know the celebration would be short-lived.</p> <p>The following day, I put on my best suit and tie (ok, it was a collared shirt), and I headed off to a warehouse just east of downtown. When I arrived, there was a waft of new tire smell emanating from a building that&rsquo;d seen better days, but I pulled up my bootstraps and made my way inside. That&rsquo;s when I met Jimmy.</p> <p>Jimmy was an operations manager&nbsp;for&nbsp;the&nbsp;company, and after exchanging pleasantries, he offered to take me on a tour of the facility. The inside was massive. Thousand of tires were stacked neatly on racks (and some not so neatly), high above the concrete floor. I looked at Jimmy and told him, &ldquo;Damn, that&rsquo;s a lot of tires&rdquo;. He nodded in agreement.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Fear Heights