My a16z scout thesis: big ideas others would say no to.

<p>Back in 2010, I was starting an AI music generation company. Today we&rsquo;d call it a Generative AI startup &mdash; back then there was no catch-all term. As a result, raising money was all but impossible. I pitched probably 50 investors for my seed round. 49 said no or outright ignored me. Most (if not all) just did not believe that AI could be creative.</p> <p>I got lucky. A single investor at a single fund &mdash; a great guy named Mike, at the spinout fund&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Cambridge Enterprise</a>&nbsp;&mdash; believed in the idea, and believed in me, and invested. Without Mike, I would have given up. And, given that we sold the business to ByteDance and Generative AI proceeded to go mainstream, I would have hugely regretted it.</p> <p>In&nbsp;<em>Zero To One</em>, Peter Thiel poses the question: &ldquo;What important truth do very few people agree with you on?&rdquo; For me, in 2010, that truth was the inevitability of Generative AI. I had total conviction in the idea, but persuading investors to see it was incredibly hard.</p> <p>I know so many founders who have experienced this. Lots give up. Why does this happen? For the simple reason that too many investors aren&rsquo;t willing to take this kind of bet. Too many are followers, not leaders. Too many are &lsquo;happy to participate when you have a lead&rsquo;. This isn&rsquo;t all VCs &mdash; I know brilliant investors who are willing to take a risk on a daring idea. But it&rsquo;s a significant portion of them. If you&rsquo;re this kind of VC, you&rsquo;re not really in tech. You&rsquo;re moving money around, and nothing more.</p> <p>The VCs who really contribute to the future of technology are the ones who are willing to take a bet. The ones who are willing to invest in a big idea even when others are saying no, because, if the founder is right, the company will be transformative.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: a16z scout