I Worked with 3 companies in 3 years. Why? - My 3 mistakes.

<p>Hi Reader!!!</p> <p>I guarantee that the story that will begin (after you read two short paragraphs below) will teach you things that are not limited to jobs. This story helps you in many aspects of life. Please go ahead.</p> <p>FYI, I would like to work in a company that provides,</p> <ol> <li>Good Work that helps me to grow as a Software Developer.</li> <li>Good Work Culture.</li> <li>Market standard salary.</li> </ol> <p>I would have had all these in my career if I hadn&rsquo;t made a few mistakes. I will share those mistakes by the end of this article. If I want to categorize my mistakes then these mistakes fall into the following buckets:</p> <ol> <li>Inconsistent in work.</li> <li>Being Satisfied.</li> <li>Poor Confidence.</li> </ol> <p>Let&rsquo;s begin the story&hellip;</p> <p>Like everyone, I was not sure about my aspirations. Brought up in a town in Rajasthan, India with good exposure to education but was uncertain about career options. It was a time when the internet and mobile phones with unlimited data were not so penetrated in the country. Long story short, I also ended up choosing engineering like others.</p> <p>I went to college in 2015 and learned about computer science. During college times, I improved my coding abilities and explored a lot of technologies including machine learning, data mining, Android app development, etc. By the end of 3rd year, I was good at coding and knew subjects that were important from an interview perspective. Subjects include Data Structure and algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming, Database Management Systems, and Operating Systems.</p> <p><a href="https://levelup.gitconnected.com/i-worked-with-3-companies-in-3-years-why-my-3-mistakes-15701ad1298b"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>