An Introduction to the Counterculture Movement and the Evolution of Music Festivals

<p>Originating in the 60s, the counterculture movement is a subculture that arose in several countries and which opposed many of the modern societal values, all the while seeking new ways of living in society. For many of its adherents, the movement meant the rejection of society&rsquo;s codes or norms through the consumption of mind-altering substances, the rejection of dominant religious morality, the search for pleasure, and political activism. Fueled by disillusions and desires, the movement subsequently gave birth to the Hippie movement, itself characterized by a renewed interest in religion and spirituality (mainly from Asia, such as Buddhism), and strong desires to reform society. The movement rejected capitalistic values, for their negative impact on the environment, relationships between people, and the economy. The movement opposed wars and deleterious foreign affair policies in the United States.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>