V&A Museum of Childhood — Case Study
<p>This assignment was the first <strong>group project</strong> at the General Assembly. The teachers assigned us a well-known client, although the brief was conceptual.</p>
<p>My client, for the <strong>2-week sprint</strong>, was the cherished Victoria and Albert Childhood Museum!</p>
<h1>The Brief</h1>
<p>Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our client had to shut its doors sooner than expected; the plan was to close down in mid-May, for a new and exciting refurbishment! Nonetheless, the V&A wanted to continue to interact with their beloved community and to share its permanent collections, in a didactic and engaging way.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@catspedrosa/v-a-museum-of-childhood-case-study-d2d18a317fc0"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>