Museum Metamorphosis : Day 5

<p>At my first meeting as a new volunteer at the museum, all 10 new recruits were made trustees. That made 12 trustees in total, and a grand total of 0 volunteers.</p> <p>If you&rsquo;ve ever worked in a charity you&rsquo;ll probably understand what a bizarre situation that is and you may even be able to guess some of the consequences. Firstly, not everyone is cut out to be a trustee, and once you&rsquo;ve signed them into the role it can be very difficult to get rid of those who are unsuitable. Secondly, you have a whole bunch of people talking about everything and no-one actually doing any work. It&rsquo;s also incredibly hard to take decisions.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>