Improving the museum experience — app that helps you better navigate around museums
<h1>Museums experienced a 20% attendance decrease between 2008 and 2018 in France*</h1>
<p>Since the 1970s, museums have been suffering a <strong>profound crisis</strong>, resulting in decreasing audiences and increased critiques. Yet, the purpose of this type of institution is to make <strong>heritage and culture accessible to everyone</strong>. Museums are supposed to build bridges between art and people.</p>
<h1>MY ROLE</h1>
<p>I was part of a UX/UI designer team of four, responsible for contributing to the <strong>Design Thinking Process</strong>, producing all major deliverables, and presenting these to the audience of teachers and students at Ironhack Bootcamp in April 2023.</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>