Here’s what happened when I skipped Muni fare

<p>I always thought I could avoid it, but when the SF Muni cops got on my bus one cold early morning, I knew my luck had run out. Too tired to care, I hadn&rsquo;t tapped my card or activated a digital ticket. In the back of the bus, I panicked, watching them efficiently make their way through every adult on board, a high pitch&nbsp;<em>beep-beep</em>&nbsp;sounding off for every law-abiding rider.</p> <p>When he got to me I accepted my fate, morbidly curious to experience the process, I thought, &ldquo;If I can survive this I won&rsquo;t be nervous about it again.&rdquo; I gave him my Clipper Card, the machine made a loud&nbsp;<em>BRRZZ!</em>&nbsp;And I had no excuse. I also didn&rsquo;t offer one, I just gave him my ID and took my ticket. The cops got off two stops later and I continued on to work (still without an active ticket).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Muni fare