The Multiverse may not solve all the problems it claims

<p>The question: why are we all here? used to be the purview of religion. The Bible claims that God created the universe and human beings by His Word. The universe was literally spoken into existence.</p> <p>Many creation stories, such as the one in the Book of Genesis, propose the universe was created&nbsp;<em>ex nihilo</em>&nbsp;or &ldquo;out of nothing&rdquo;. Others propose a primordial chaos that was shaped by a creator being or some &ldquo;diver&rdquo; creature building the lands out of primordial waters.</p> <p>In the 20th century, physicists have taken over the role of high priests of creation. They now control the story of how the universe came into being. At first, they believed the universe was static and eternal. Then, Einstein&rsquo;s theory showed that it must not be static but growing, implying it had a hot dense beginning.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Multiverse