Living in a Multilingual World

<p>Mystudent looked surprised. I&rsquo;d only said &ldquo;<em>How are we doing?&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;Yet he couldn&rsquo;t understand why I&rsquo;d included myself in that question.</p> <p>It was autumn 2019, a few months before Covid shut down the world, and I was teaching at an independent language school in central London. At the time I had a lovely group of advanced students from all corners of the world. This chap, a Japanese computer wizard, was pretty clued up about all things English. But even he was thrown off when I included him and me in my greeting.</p> <p>It wasn&rsquo;t hard to see why. There was no smirking Mario behind me. Either a doppelg&auml;nger or alter ego. Surely, I meant to include him. Luckily, my students trusted me. One of the reasons for this was because I treated them like adults. Even those in their mid teens. A common weekend homework would be sending them off to a corner of London, off the beaten tourist track, and getting them to talk to their classmates on the Monday after about what they&rsquo;d learnt about this lesser-known place.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>