Muay Thai, the sport of kings

<p><strong>The myth of the Tiger King</strong><br /> Thai monarchs have been passionate about the national sport for centuries, so no wonder it is billed the sport of kings. Take the legend of the Tiger King, for instance. King Phra Chao Sri Sampetch VIII, who ruled from 1703 to 1709, loved Muay Thai so much that he was reluctant to give up fighting after his coronation. Known for his ferocious style, he supposedly sneaked off, disguised as a commoner (the most imaginative storytellers say he&rsquo;d wear a tiger mask) to participate in local tournaments and justly beat his rivals. During his reign, he promoted the sport more than anyone, making it part of the army&rsquo;s training because he considered it essential to governing a country like Thailand, at the time, kingdom of&nbsp;<strong>Ayutthaya.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Muay Thai