Why I am moving to Prague

<p>&ldquo;Prague? Where is that?&rdquo; My mother asked as I told her about my hopes and dreams for this year. I laughed because last week, I would have asked the same question. I vaguely knew it was in Europe somewhere, but not the exact country, (I know, I have always sucked with Geography). Turns out that it is in Czechia, aka the Czech Republic</p> <p>When I was researching the countries in which I wanted to use my newly earned TEFL, I saw lots of opportunities in China, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, Cosa Rica, Spain, etc. All of them sounded interesting, BUT I wanted to get away from the hot, hellish summers that are normal in the state I currently live. I have lived in the Southeast US for my entire life, and I DESPISE the summer. As I grumbled to myself that it was no use, I might as well just try to teach online, I noticed an ad for Prague.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@hbwriter22/why-i-am-moving-to-prague-3ddf260bce25"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: moving Prague