Why I’m Moving To Dubai

<p>Following&nbsp;<a href="https://bit.ly/DDDbai" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">my first trip to Dubai&nbsp;</a>in May, I wrote &ldquo;&hellip; I haven&rsquo;t been this excited about the dynamism and upside potential of any place since 2015, when I was awe struck by Tel Aviv.&rdquo; I wrote that I had already planned my 2nd trip to Dubai, for the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.futureblockchainsummit.com/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Future Blockchain Summit</a>&nbsp;in October. I just finished that 2nd trip, and I continue to be highly impressed.</p> <p>So I&rsquo;m &ldquo;moving&rdquo; to Dubai for two weeks in January to spend more time with the community and deepen relationships. I rarely employ &ldquo;click bait&rdquo; titles, but I made an exception because, while the U.S. is crippling the crypto industry, Dubai is welcoming us with open arms. And crypto peeps should check it out. It&rsquo;s exhilarating. Here are eight reasons why:</p> <p><a href="https://loukerner.medium.com/why-im-moving-to-dubai-d32a5e54a936"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: moving Dubai