How the movie Oppenheimer illustrates the need for theoretical…sociologists

<p>At an early point in&nbsp;<em>Oppenheimer,</em>&nbsp;the title character was shown struggling in a Cambridge University physics lab. One of his professors urged the young man to leave the lab and do theoretical work elsewhere, which he did in Germany.</p> <p>At a later point it was mentioned, I believe by Oppenheimer himself, that he was bad at math. Of course, bad here must be put in the context of other world-class scientists. I don&rsquo;t suspect he&rsquo;d have any trouble acing the math portion of the SAT and teaching physics in any program in the country.</p> <p>In another scene, Oppenheimer, now teaching at UC Berkeley, is told by experimental physicist Ernest Lawrence &ldquo;theory will take you only so far.&rdquo; This was immediately after Lawrence and his team had split an atom that Oppenheimer had believed, in theory, couldn&rsquo;t be done.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>