Why You Shouldn’t Move to London

<p>I love living in London, but I&rsquo;m not delusional: this city is not for everyone. It can be a very hard place to live for a lot of reasons. For Americans who didn&rsquo;t grow up in NYC, it can be additionally challenging as the UK is a different country with&nbsp;<strong><em>a lot</em></strong>&nbsp;of quirks that can seem archaic or just plain uncomfortable for Americans (do not get me started on the absurdity of laundry here!).</p> <p>Still, London holds a lot of global appeal. In my opinion, it&rsquo;s the greatest city in the world. But nowhere is perfect. For those who romanticize London, here are some doses of reality you won&rsquo;t find in a Richard Curtis film.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@samanthaspeirs/why-you-shouldnt-move-to-london-13542f2deec0"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Move London