Depression, Tech Fatigue, and What I Found in the Mountains of Utah

<p>It&rsquo;s not easy to walk away from security.</p> <p>Especially security that you&rsquo;ve worked hard for. In my case, it took decades.</p> <p>See, I loved books and some time between watching&nbsp;<em>Dead Poets Society</em>&nbsp;and my first college literature class I decided I was going to be a professor.</p> <p>So I was in it for the long haul.</p> <p>I earned my Bachelor&rsquo;s Degree in 2006. Then my Master&rsquo;s Degree. Then my PhD. All told, it took about fourteen years. (There&rsquo;s a great Simpsons episode where Marge admonishes her son, &ldquo;Bart, don&rsquo;t make fun of grad students, they just made bad life choices.&rdquo;)</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Mountains Utah