When it Rains in the Desert

<p>During the work week, I don&rsquo;t get out as much. Home is my muse, inspiration comes while looking out at the views around me imagining what exists in the faraway peaks. Toward the south, three cookie dough lump mountains catch the sun in such a way that shadows blanket them like a bedtime story. The north has a familiar mountain range, one with sharp peaks, yet a glance to the left reveals a new mysterious mountain with a rounded top. Then&hellip; the mysterious canyon, one of lessor tourist popularity but filled with mysteries&hellip; and a paranormal ranch. Each time I take the dogs for a walk, I stop in the &ldquo;dry camp&rdquo; parking lot &mdash; most of the time empty because who pays for a dry camp spot when there&rsquo;s hundreds for free in the desert ?&mdash; and stare into the scenery before me.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@asterl8lee/when-it-rains-in-the-desert-5e6d08fcb2fd"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Mountain Range