Zen and the Art of Mountain Biking

<p>We mountain bikers tend to get a bad rap.</p> <p>I for one, when I mention my love of mountain biking, am often met with looks of disgust and disappointment. Trail runners don&rsquo;t like us. Roadies hate us. Hikers&nbsp;<em>despise</em>&nbsp;us. Even internet search algorithms seem to have a bias against us mountain bikers. During the coronavirus pandemic, when I began to wonder why brake pads had become scarce commodities, I typed the words &ldquo;why are mountain bike&hellip;&rdquo; into an internet search bar. &ldquo;Why are mountain bike brake pads so hard to find?&rdquo; I intended to inquire. But the search bar auto-filled: &ldquo;&hellip;rs such douchebags.&rdquo;</p> <p><em>Why are mountain bikers such douchebags?</em></p> <p>Perhaps it&rsquo;s a question you&rsquo;ve considered yourself.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@quentinsepter/zen-and-the-art-of-cycling-4d81c12cf5f5"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>