Motivation — now and always

<p>The weather is bad, the work colleagues are lousy, and in general &mdash; this crap company and then these board members &mdash; I don&rsquo;t want to do anything! &mdash; Yes! Yes??</p> <p>Can be, is probably even so.</p> <p>And the climate change, and the war in Ukraine, and the politics &mdash; all corrupt&hellip;</p> <p>Yes, everything may be &mdash; only: Who do I help with these thoughts: The company? The colleagues? Myself? Hardly.</p> <p>Gloomy thoughts, gloomy moods darken the mind, burden the health and &hellip; Nobody likes sourpusses, even if they are a thousand times in the right.</p> <p>There are people who are &mdash; so it seems &mdash; always in a good mood. Hardly awake and a sip of coffee &mdash; already they tell about their great vacations, the next plans, the performance increase in the gym &hellip; You give a cue, and the next success story breaks out!</p> <p>Like sourpusses, such successful and constantly good-humored fellow human beings are not everyone&rsquo;s cup of tea. Being in a good mood and motivated is good &mdash; but being too good is often a real pain for the environment.</p> <h1><strong>Motivation &mdash; what is it actually?</strong></h1> <p>The word motivation contains the verb &ldquo;movere&rdquo; (Latin) or &ldquo;muovere&rdquo; (Italian), which means &ldquo;to move&rdquo;, &ldquo;to move away&rdquo; or even &ldquo;to set off&rdquo;.</p> <p>In research on motivation, people think about what drives people to do or not do something. What causes us to tackle and shape life, what hinders and slows us down? How did it come about that we are at the point where we are right now &mdash; and why our colleague (apparently) is already much further along?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Motivation