Motivate Yourself: You Will Not Change The World But You Will Change A World

<p>Have you heard of the&nbsp;<em>Butterfly effect?</em></p> <p>For those who haven&rsquo;t, this effect states that through the a set of actions and consequences, a butterflies wingbeat here can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world.</p> <p>This hurricane&nbsp;<em>only</em>&nbsp;happens because that butterfly beats its wings at the exact time and place to cause this hurricane, through a series of seemingly unrelated events.</p> <p>One thing affects another and, like dominoes, the effects fall, stack on one another, and create an avalanche out of nothing that seems to relate.</p> <p><strong>This effect works in life as well.</strong></p> <p>A positive action, a smile, or a random act of kindness is able to create an avalanche of positivity somewhere a thousand miles away.</p> <p>This thought, more than anything else, motivates me every time I think about it because it proves that&nbsp;<strong>I can change the world.</strong></p> <p>Well&hellip; let me rephrase that a little bit: It proves that I can change&nbsp;<strong><em>a</em></strong>&nbsp;world.</p> <p>I may never become a great thinker like Einstein, may never be as influential as Gandhi or as innovative as Steve Jobs.</p> <p>I may not become a political leader, a historic figure or someone else that changes&nbsp;<em>the whole world</em>, but I can change&nbsp;<em>a</em>&nbsp;whole world.</p> <p><strong>Because I smile, work hard, try hard and do my best I create chance after chance to change someone&rsquo;s world forever.</strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>