How To Motivate A Software Engineer

<p>It&rsquo;s so tiresome, and increasingly irritating, to encounter those three infamous words &ldquo;<em>Total Compensation Package</em>&rdquo; when you&rsquo;re looking at job specifications or, even worse, during a &ldquo;<em>1&ndash;1</em>&rdquo; with the automatons in your own HR department when at a performance review of some sort.</p> <p>For you know all too well that when it comes to compensation it&rsquo;s the modus operandi of practically every company that has been, is, or ever will be&sup1; in existence to give you an extreme and severe shafting on take home pay by offering as many worthless &ldquo;<em>perks</em>&rdquo; as possible in lieu of actual cash money.</p> <p>Those perks may include, but not be limited to:</p> <ul> <li>Tax saver commuter tickets and &ldquo;<em>bike to work</em>&rdquo; schemes.<br /> In many countries employers are able to offer tax free loans toward commuting costs and schemes to aid the purchase of cycles &mdash; as long as they are primarily used for commuting.<br /> Naturally, this is only of use if you&rsquo;re actually going to an office and is therefore of little use to employees who remote work for any significant period of time.<br /> Also, if you&rsquo;ve got a tax free loan for buying a ticket you&rsquo;re still buying a ticket and it&rsquo;s coming out of your own money &mdash; to me, that&rsquo;s hardly helping since I&rsquo;m still paying, albeit slightly less, out of my own pocket.</li> <li>Shares that vest so far beyond your &ldquo;<em>work horizon&sup2;</em>&rdquo; that you&rsquo;ll either be retired, dead, or uploaded to the cloud before you&rsquo;re able to acquire them, let alone sell them.</li> </ul> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>