A Heartfelt Letter from Mother Earth to Humanity

<p>Hello everyone, this is your home planet Earth, also known as &ldquo;Mother Earth,&rdquo; reaching out to you. As you may have noticed, things aren&rsquo;t going so well for me (and us) &mdash; and we need to talk.</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve got to say, first off &hellip; you humans are a very peculiar and ungrateful bunch. Here I&rsquo;ve given you an amazing and almost infinite variety of plants, animals, foods, insects, birds, colors, etc. to enjoy and interact with &mdash; and you usually react with indifference or contempt, rather than love and gratitude. It really hurts me to see and feel your arrogant, disdainful attitudes toward the living world around you.</p> <p>I have always provided a vast cornucopia of abundance to support your evolution and growth &mdash; but you got it into your heads, somehow, that you&rsquo;re &lsquo;above&rsquo; nature and superior to the rest of life, and utterly &lsquo;separate&rsquo; from nature as well.</p> <p>This absurd conceit sometimes makes me chuckle, and other times makes me weep &mdash; because this is the most ridiculous, harmful idea in the history of human ideas.</p> <p>You see, we are quite literally&nbsp;<em>all in this together</em>. My global biosphere encompasses everything that you call &lsquo;life on Earth,&rsquo; and all these life forms and processes are completely intertwined and interdependent &mdash; everywhere and always. So your idea that you are effectively &lsquo;separate&rsquo; from and &lsquo;above&rsquo; nature is both terrifying and laughably nonsensical.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/greener-together/a-heartfelt-letter-from-mother-earth-to-humanity-508334571ae8"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>