Surveys, Surveys, and Yet More Surveys….

<p>If you follow the latest developments on the workplace and workforce front, you will likely be inundated with survey findings that are reported in mainstream media, social media, posts, blogs, etc. As a practitioner in all things related to working life, I try to stay on top of what is meaningful, relevant, and of value for my team members and clients. I think that I may soon me reaching the point of saturation with all the waves of survey findings related to what people want or expect from their employment experiences. I&rsquo;d like to dive into this phenomena in my first article in a series called&nbsp;<em>What&rsquo;s Going On</em>?. I borrow from the poet, thinker, songwriter, and musician Marvin Gaye. I don&rsquo;t have anywhere near the capacity for insight that Marvin had on social justice issues, popular culture, and political movements. What I can offer though is perspective and insights based on 20+ years on the frontlines of business and corporate change. I&rsquo;m relatively new to&nbsp;<em>Medium</em>, and already follow a number of great thinkers, writers, and commentators here. I hope to put content out there that resonates with many of you, and to hear from you directly in a professional, progressive space.</p> <p>Let&rsquo;s get started then&hellip;.</p> <p>Surveys, surveys, surveys everywhere about what employees really want. What to make of all these surveys and findings? And what do they mean? More importantly for me, what is the subtext of all this. What is really going on?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: More surveys