Montréal… Roadtrip? Oui Oui

<p>A few months ago when searching for a global entry interview spot I quickly realized I was either going to have to go on a trip to be able to do the interview before the trip I had planned to India in July, or not receive global entry (and thus not have pre-check) until a much later date. While my options for interview spots were mostly destinations that I had limited interest in visiting, or were too inconvenient for me to attend, there was an opening for a slot at the Champlain enrollment center in New York. If you know anything about Champlain NY, you know it is really far away from anything, except for our great neighbors to the north, the Canadians. Famous Flannel shirt wearing, maple syrup harvesting, hockey fanatics&hellip; or so I thought. After I realized the proximity to the border I quickly made the decision to make this annoyingly long drive into a road trip to Montr&eacute;al, which is just a short trip from the border (I have since come to realize a lot of Canadians live in cities that can be described in this way).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>