9 months HRT: In the rabbit hole

<p>The year 2022 marked a nadir where life itself felt precarious; a period so engulfing it nearly extinguished my will to persist, underscored by the struggle with my own gender identity, a facet of existence as innate for many as the very act of breathing, yet for me, it was suffocating. Confronted with a precipice, I faced a choice stark in its simplicity: to transition or to consider a grim alternative.</p> <p>In seeking guidance, I did what has become second nature in our era: I searched the internet. Is a rebirth into one&rsquo;s true self possible at 47? Affirmations abounded, alongside portraits of transformation so profound they bordered on the miraculous. But the internet&rsquo;s optimism doesn&rsquo;t always mirror reality. Hormone replacement therapy promises change, but it does not guarantee the immediacy or the magic often portrayed.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@sarah75/9-months-hrt-in-the-rabbit-hole-8d911885d597"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Months HRT