Brass Monkey Bivvy

<p>Luke&rsquo;s car back seat inflatey thing is no longer very inflated. There is condensation on all of the windows. My sleeping mat has deflated. It is kind of snowing and there is some snow on the ground. It is cold. Luke turns the car on and blasts the heater. There are some far off patches of blue sky. We pack, turn the car off, and leave.</p> <p>The forest is magical. Everything is dusted in snow. Spiderweb hammocks have filled with deep pockets of snow and the mossy ledges jutting out from the beech trunks have little snowy pillows built up on them. Some of the beeches are shedding strawberries. We keep stopping to say how pretty it is.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: monkey Bivvy