Meet the Monkey Barrel Team — Amy Matthews!

<p>I sit in an office chair (which is in fact a theatre chair used in the evening for audience members). I book the funny people for our Wednesday show, and deal with the kafka-esque task of managing the Monkey Barrel inbox. (I&rsquo;d explain the term Kafka-esque to the child, as it will prove useful for them in later life). A lot of my job is telling people whose emails have bounced that there are two R&rsquo;s and one L in &lsquo;barrel&rsquo;.</p> <p><strong><em>What&rsquo;s the best thing about working at Monkey Barrel?</em></strong></p> <p>Suppose I should be genuine about this really. I honestly really like all the people I work with, both in the office and the acts. Comedy &mdash; both the industry side and the performance side &mdash; has got a wonderful way of bringing people together who in any other circumstance probably wouldn&rsquo;t be friends. That&rsquo;s a fun environment to be in. Examplarily, Nikki and David working in the same space is like watching a mad peacock and a sensible badger try to communicate in the wild &mdash; and somehow it works. It&rsquo;s a melting pot of characters and I think that&rsquo;s the making of it as a business.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: monkey Barrel