Tsagaan Sar — Mongolian Lunar New Year

<p>Translated as White Moon,&nbsp;<a href="https://www.gobicashmere.com/blogs/culture/everything-you-need-to-know-about-tsagaan-sar-mongolian-lunar-new-year" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Tsagaan Sar</a>&nbsp;is one of the most important celebrations in Mongolia that marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring &mdash; a new year&rsquo;s cycle. After a long, tiring and harsh winter, it was necessary for Mongolian nomads to celebrate the arrival of spring, bring the festivity, and reunite with the whole family, extended and immediate family members alike. This heartwarming celebration usually coincides with other Lunar New Year celebrations as it occurs from the first to third days of the first lunar month, but it is a unique annual celebration of Mongolia with traditional values.</p> <p>As nomads who constantly travel to find fresh pastures for their livestock to graze on, Mongolians hardly crossed paths with relatives for months or years even. However, Tsagaan Sar is a family celebration that encourages people to visit their relatives and distant family members, nurture and strengthen family ties, and bond with new members, such as in-laws and newborns. It is a sacred time to pay respect to elders, bid them good health, and learn more about traditions and customs of the country.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@gobicashmere/tsagaan-sar-mongolian-lunar-new-year-ff9f40ec9be4"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>